Last Call! Join me today!

I hope you’ll join me today, 3-5pm EST for my virtual grief recovery class!

You’ll leave with tools to shift the way you go through grief, move forward (without leaving your loved one behind) and feel better! You’ll also gain skills to better help others who are grieving.

Join me for this value-packed live virtual class TODAY!

I’ll be sharing the tips that helped me most in a time of loss, along with things I wish I’d known then!

Register Here!

Grief Strategy #2 and an Invitation to My Virtual Class!


When you lose a loved one, you may hear friends say something like, “If there’s anything I can do, please let me know.” They want to express their love, but are unsure of what to do. They don’t want to overstep, but they want you to know they’re there.

Here’s a tip to help both you and your friends:

Let them know! They’ll be relieved to know of a specific way they can be of help. When they ask, have a list ready. Here are a few to get you started.

Practical ways:

  • Household chores
  • Yard work
  • Car maintenance
  • Instructions on how to do a specific chore
  • Recommendations on who to hire
  • Babysitting
  • Financial advice
  • Helping you sort through your loved ones belongings

Let them know what helps in emotional ways. Consider letting them know the following, if this is how you feel:

  • “Please talk about my loved one. Tell me stories about them.”
  • “Let ME talk about my loved one.”
  • “Invite me to things. I may not always go, but I appreciate being invited.”
  • “Please don’t tell me to get over it, or that I should be over it by now.”

This Sunday, (3-5pm EST) I’ll be sharing (in a live, virtual setting) strategies that significantly helped me in a time of grief, and also tips I’ve learned along the way that I wish I’d known then. You’ll gain practical tips to get unstuck, move forward (without leaving your loved one behind), and feel better! You’ll also learn how to be a better friend to others who are experiencing grief.

Don’t miss out on this value-packed class. Questions? Contact me at ConnieCarey.Com. And if you know of someone who could use this “down-to-earth” help, please be a friend and pass along!

Sending you love!


Click here to register.

How to Replace Grief with Gratitude

In the first few months after losing a loved one, I remember sharing with a trusted friend (also a wise counselor) that I was r-e-al-l-l-y tired.

Flat worn out.

Didn’t always sleep at night.

Had to ask others to repeat what they had just said because I had “zoned out” for a minute.

Missed appointments.

Watched a movie and couldn’t tell you how it ended. (Didn’t really care!)

What was going on??? I felt, not just sad, but a wee bit crazy.

What a relief when, after listening to me describe what I thought were weird and strange experiences, he smiled and said, “Congratulations! You’re normal!”

That good friend told me early on to expect to be tired and to feel foggy in my thinking. He said to be ready that it would probably be a year or so before I began to feel like myself again. He explained to me that the process of grief can be confusing when there is a surprising wave of sorrow, but that it is normal.

I can’t tell you how much it helped to know what to expect! I was freed from putting undue pressure on myself when I felt physically exhausted for seemingly no reason, or when a smell or a song or some other small thing triggered deep grief when I thought I had been doing soooo much better. It helped me to know that what I was going through was normal and to be expected.

That’s just one example of some of the nuggets of wisdom that either helped me at the time or nuggets I learned later and wish I’d known then.

And that’s why I’m so excited to share with you a new course I’ll be presenting virtually on Sunday, May 16, “From Grief to Gratitude: Moving Forward after the Death of Someone You Love”.

We’ll look at practical strategies you can put into practice to treat yourself well, to love and care for yourself while you’re on this journey of grief. When we finish, while you will still feel the loss of your loved one, my prayer is that you’ll feel encouraged and uplifted with insights and tools that will give you strength for your journey.

I’m excited for another reason, too. Like so many of God’s gifts, the gold of this course was dug from the mine of personal loss. But He didn’t leave me there, Friend. I believe God has brought healing to my life because He wants to bring healing through me to others. Could you use a dose of gratitude to trade for your grief?

Any questions, just email me: If this is for you, click on the link below to save your spot.

Sending you so much love!


Not Asking for Candy, Just Your Burning Questions

Happy Day after Valentine’s!

Did you get candy? Instead of giving you sugary hearts or chocolates (not that that’s a bad thing!), I’d rather help you get all the purpose, joy, and fulfillment you desire.

If there’s something you’re struggling with – in life, relationships, motivation, personal development, moving from grief to gratitude, a needed fresh perspective on an unwanted situation, or your walk with God – tell me your question below in the reply section or a private email to Send me your question(s) or topic(s) you’d like to see covered and I’ll feature it in an upcoming blog post.

Honestly, you’d be helping a girl out…me!….by giving me insight in providing relevant, valuable content to you.

I don’t pretend to have it all together, but I know the One who does.

Whatever it is, I’d be honored to help you figure it out!

Big, big love,
